Skipping Lunch Lines

Why You Already Know Enough to Have Money Talks With Your Teen

Episode Summary

In this episode, Cody Loughlin, serial entrepreneur, former Vice-President of a commercial bank and host of the Money Talkers Podcast, inspires parents to be confident in their ability to have crucial money talks with their kids and to just get started today to change their family's legacy.

Episode Notes

Today we have Cody Loughlin. Cody is a serial entrepreneur who started to learn finance at 19 was a millionaire at 27, bankrupt at 28, and retired early at 39 to pursue a passion of teaching financial literacy, successful mindset, and entrepreneurship that our schools refuse to teach.


Cody's companies have reached over $200M+ in sales while reaching the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies twice. Between opening 13 different companies and counting he has also served as the vice-president of a commercial bank and financed over $100M+ in loans.


Realizing the lack of financial education in the school system, Cody has set out to change the financial trajectory of today's youth by giving the tools to parents to deepen their relationship with their children while giving them the information they need to be financially free.



  1. You already have what it takes to start your child’s journey to financial literacy so just start having money talks.
  2. Why financial literacy in schools is a responsibility of schools even if it is most effectively taught at home
  3. How sucking it up, facing your numbers and committing doggedly to micro-changes has a huge impact on your money mindset and your financial trajectory

Give this episode a listen and connect with us to let us know your biggest takeaways!



If you enjoyed today's episode, we encourage you to connect with Cody. He can be found at the following online spaces. 






I'd love to hear from you, as well! Tell me what you loved about this episode and what you feel like we could improve upon. We are here to serve you, please let us know how we can best help you with your teen. You can e-mail Dara at or DM me on IG at